2020 Graphic Migrations: Statelessness, Citizenship, Gender, and Secularism in India, and the Diaspora. Temple University Press (Forthcoming)
2013 Violent Belongings: Partition, Gender and National Culture in Postcolonial India. Temple University Press, 2008, 2011. New Delhi: Yoda Press, 2013.
n/a Gender, Violence, and Media Cultures in Modern India. Temple University Press (Manuscript in Progress)
Refereed Articles
2019 "Reframing Partition: Gender, Migration, and Storytelling in Conflict Zones," MLA Guide to Teaching South Asian Women's Writing, eds. Deepika Bahri and Filippo Menozzi, MLA, 2019 (under peer review)
2018 "Gender, Sexuality and the Family in South-Asian Fiction." Oxford History of the Novel in English (Volume 10). The Novel in South and South-East Asia, ed. Alex Tickell. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 44-57.
2017 "The World After Empire, or Whither Postcoloniality?"
PMLA, Volume 132, Number 1, January 2017, pp. 149–155